Contact info

Before you email me:

If you want additional information about a technical topic I've written about, please consider that I have probably written everything I know on that page and have nothing left to share. This is the entire reason I wrote the page in the first place. If you write for additional details, you simply might not get a response if I have nothing to add and little time to respond.

If you want information on a topic I haven't written about, please don't treat me like a tech list that you don't have to subscribe to, and don't be offended when I refer your request back to this page; it merely furnishes my response in greater detail than I could ever do with a private email.

I do not sell parts for Valeo starter repair. Please stop asking.

In general I'm just not that interested in spending hours on the phone or on emails trying to help you fix your bike.

For additional technical information, you'd be better off joining one of the technical mailing lists that I monitor, which are BMW-GS and Airheads. I occasionally monitor the MOA tech forums (MOA members only) and ADVRider as well. If I can answer your question I'll do so in one of these places, plus you'll get other opinions as well (and others will benefit from your question).

If I respond, "Sounds like a good question for the BMW-Tech list" or similar, now you know why.

That said, to contact me you can email me by making an address out of 'anton' and '' or use this form:

Your email address:
(Please make sure this is correct or you can never get a reply).

Your real name:


What you want to say:

Do not change ANYTHING in this row

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